
Reducing the manual effort when using OAuth 2.0 in Bruno

Although Bruno now comes with built-in support to fetch access tokens via OAuth 2.0, we still need to add the access token to each request manually. We can significantly reduce the manual workload with little additional effort.

As we usually have multiple requests in a collection that require authentication, we configure the authentication on collection level. In the Auth tab, we choose OAuth 2.0 and configure everything as needed. On the bottom, we press the Get Access Token button to verify that the authentication works.

Next, we set a variable named oauth_access_token every time an authentication request was made. In the Script tab, we put the following code under Post Response.

if (res.body.access_token) {
  bru.setVar("oauth_access_token", res.body.access_token)

The if-clause is important here, because without it, every normal request will overwrite the variable with undefined.

Now, we can use the variable with our access token in the header of our requests. In the Headers tab, we add a header Authorization with value Bearer {{oauth_access_token}}. Whenever the variable is highlighted red, or we receive an unauthorized error message, we must go to the Auth tab and press the Get Access Token button again. Depending on our needs, we can configure the header on the collection level or per request.

Screenshot of the Bruno API client showing the header configuration tab of a request collection.

And that's it already. We can run authorized requests now without any further configuration until our access token expires.

#api #oauth #security